الأحد، 21 فبراير 2010

النصائح الذهبية لتعلم الانجليزية بطلاقة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اود ان اكتب اليكم بعض النصائح الهامة وذلك حتي تستطيعوا الحصول علي اعلي النتائج لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية
1- اولا تعلم تكوين الجملة البسيطة والاسئلة البسيطة ولا تهتم كثيرا بالقواعد والازمنة فقط فهذه من اكبر الميعقات لتاخر تعلم الانجليزية
2- تعلم المواقف المختلفة والمحادثات اليومية وهذه بسيطة واليكم هذا الرابط الهام جداااااااااااااااا
3- اقرا الكثير من المحادثات والموضوعات المختلفة ويوجد ايضا بالرابط اعلاه الكثير والكثير من ذلك
3-تعلم التحدث بسرعة : حاول ان تمارس التحدث بسرعة تدريجيا حتي تصل الي المستوي المقبول مع مراعاة النطق الصحيح والواضح
واخيرا يجب ان انوه ان من زرع شيئا حصد نتائجه وثماره ولا بد فيجب ان تمارس وتتعب يوميا ولا تمل من السماع للبرامج والنشرات والفيديوهات التعليمية وذلك حتي تتقن الانجليزيه واستودعكم الله الذي لاتضيع ودائعه
اخوكم تامر السنباطي
للامانه الموضوع مقتبس

How to Improve English skills for IELTS exam

IELTS is a test being held by the British Council to test the calibre of the candidates at English language learning and fluency. You need to be consistent in all the four skills such as reading and writing besides talking and speaking. There are many institutes and websites offering knowledge about IELTS but most of them lack proper knowledge about the latest pattern of IELTS, primarily, due to the lack of awareness. IELTS is a widely recognised exam the benefits of whose you can use in many of the English speaking nations in the process of making your career.

IELTS Reading:-

IELTS4U is a website dedicated entirely to provide you quality training in the process of improving your reading skills. We provide your regular tips on how to improve your English reading skills. The first thing is practice. Unless and until you wont practice, the situation will not get improved no matter how better training facilities you obtain. We assist you on how to improve your reading skills. Initially, you need to concentrate on how you pronounce each and every word. Once you get to learn about the pronunciation aspect, you can read really fast as if you are a native English speaker.

IELTS Writing:-

We, at IELTS4U, impart quality training sessions through our online website which not only makes you perfect but also improves your hand writing. Our tutor will be always there for your assistance giving valuable tips on how to improve your English writing skills. You need to practise by writing essays and penning on various topics. The information about such topics will be provided to you. In fact, our practise sessions include various features that are meant for your eventual improvement of English language writing. After taking tips from us, a number of students have benefitted and are now leading a successful professional life.

IELTS Speaking:-

Speaking is one aspect, where many of the students and professionals need to improve. Practise speaking skills by talking to others in real life. Initially, it may be rigid for you to follow this schedule, but once you get used to it, you would feel very comfortable. At IELTS4U, we not only teach you on how to speak better but also provide useful tips on how to form sentences. At the same time, we also correct your sentences and letting you to speak better. Even if you are having a busy schedule, we suggest you to take time and practise as much as you can.

IELTS Listening:-

If you would like to master your listening skills about English language, you need to listen various accents being spoken by both, native English language speakers as well as foreign country speakers. We have a wealth of knowledge about all such information. If you associate with us in taking up IELTS exam, we provide you regular information about how to listen and what are the areas you need to concentrate. Our website, IELTS4U, is full of information that is much needed for you to practice listening.
